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Immigration Ministers focus on long-term planning for a more responsive and collaborative immigration system

The Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration (FMRI) met virtually today to discuss the future of immigration in Canada as the country looks towards growth and economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic created some disruptions to Canada’s immigration system, Ministers in attendance had an opportunity to reflect on lessons learned and to reaffirm their commitment to a federal-provincial/territorial (FPT) relationship that supports timely and meaningful partnership and collaboration.

Over the last year, FPT governments have implemented a number of facilitative measures and innovations to adapt the immigration system to challenges posed by the pandemic, including offering virtual services for clients and adjusting programming for provincial nominees and international students.

Today, participating Ministers took stock of progress made towards achieving the FPT Strategic Plan for Immigration (SPI), which they had approved in July 2020. Ministers in attendance noted the FMRI’s progress on the SPI’s policy priorities, including immigration levels planning and strengthening regional economic immigration programs to support the vitality of communities and to meet labour market needs.

Ministers were encouraged to see that public support for immigration remains strong in Canada. Immigration will continue to be an important source of economic and population growth throughout the country, and participating Ministers agreed to continue to work together to ensure that long-term FPT immigration goals contribute to Canada’s future prosperity. To further support Canada’s economic recovery in the months to come, the FMRI will work to reduce processing times by exploring improvements to the ways economic immigrants are selected and their applications processed. The FMRI will also work to enhance collaboration on temporary resident policies, programs, and pathways to permanent residency.

Ministers in attendance also reflected on a multitude of priorities, including multi-year levels planning with a focus on economic immigration; the regional distribution of immigration, leveraging the success of the Provincial Nominee Program; strengthening Francophone immigration outside of Quebec; and settlement services for permanent and temporary residents. Participating Ministers agreed to work together so FPT immigration programs are complementary and responsive to regional needs and support an inclusive and prosperous Canada.

Note: As requested by the Government of Quebec, the Quebec minister responsible for immigration holds observer status at the Federal-Provincial-Territorial Ministers’ Table. Under the Canada-Québec Accord, Quebec assumes sole responsibility for establishing immigration levels, and for the selection, francization and integration of immigrants. In areas under its responsibility, Quebec develops its policies and programs, and legislates, regulates and sets its own standards.

Nova Scotia did not participate due to a provincial election.

About the FMRI: The Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration is an FPT decision-making body with the goal of supporting a flexible, timely and effective immigration system for Canada. In 2020, FPT Ministers established a vision for immigration to Canada and a mission for the FMRI. The vision articulates a co-ordinated strategic plan for an immigration system that strengthens the positive economic and social benefits of immigration in all parts of Canada. The FMRI’s mission is to advance joint immigration priorities and to enhance Canada’s immigration policies and programs.


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